Piano Roll Meetings
The bi-annual Global Piano Roll Meeting engages scholars, performers, and enthusiasts who present research, perform concerts and lead lecture-demonstrations. Sessions are conducted in English, but we are open to support with translations.
Each meeting has been hosted by a leading local university or institution in a different world region. We plan to continue this tradition, building local and institutional support, including new people, and expanding the community involved in roll-related performance and research.
A program committee meets regularly online to plan and organize the meetings and Preludes. A call for papers prior to each meeting invites proposals. Topics may include but are not limited to:
- Historical study of piano and organ rolls, performers, audiences, and repertoires
- Pneumatic instruments
- Roll manufacturing, archival preservation and access
- Performance studies
- Technical studies
- Archival research with roll collections and related documentary materials
Presentations can be individual papers, organized sessions, lecture-recitals, performances, panel discussions, posters, or other formats.
Whenever possible we record the presentations and performances in order to share the content with participants and other interested persons after the meeting.