Participants' statements

"...congratulations with a fantastic website! Now we all are together and really global! Very good site and very good idea!"

"You really know how to set up a show. You are a force that has brought so many people together. Like similar events, it took one person to have the grand idea of bringing together like-minded people to a conference called the Global Piano Roll Meetings."

"The breakthrough of your initiative really had been, to bring all parties together. First time, we have institutions, universities, collectors, restorers, musicians, enthusiasts from all over the world together to work on key projects together!"

"Again congratulations on such a great meeting and bringing us all together!"

"It is a phantastic chance to meet each other!"

"Preludes are great, many thanks for organising them!"

"... please keep up the momentum!"

"… I would also like to thank you for the many articles and historical resources you have made available on your website, these have been a great help for my research. "

"…I just wanted to thank you for your efforts in helping to bring the conference together. I found it to be a wonderful success, and I very much enjoyed learning about piano rolls from so many different viewpoints."